In Between

This morning I did yoga on a pool deck at Puerto Escondido Marina, just south of Loreto, Mexico. The sun was shining and there was a pleasant breeze blowing the scent of the ocean across my mat. Since we left Colorado, I’ve done yoga on …

Drivin’ a Big Rig

We’ve made it to the Guerrero Negro, birth place of gray whales. That was my main motivation in coming to Baja in the winter, to see whales. We drove through a salt mine that had an apocalyptic air to it, following hand made whale signs …

Why in the world…

I am sitting in the sun, again. I am a worshipper of the sun and always have been. I lived for the summers growing up in Ohio when it felt like 90% of the days were gray. I moved to Colorado as much for the …

Carpe “The Rig”

I’m sitting in the sun, listening to the wind and the waves and breathing in fresh salt air just south of San Felipe, Mexico. The ocean has always been an incredible place for my soul, and today is no different. We’ve been on the road …

How to Resuscitate a Small Rodent

Several years ago, I wrote a blog post about essential oils and the fact that they are not benign. The main message was that essential oils and supplements are powerful and you should think before you ingest anything and you shouldn’t slather oils all over …

Celebrating You!

Yesterday I did a Boudoir photo shoot. Really. I did. AND I LOVED IT!!! I’ve had the amazing pleasure of a friend who pushes my boundaries when it comes to owning my power and getting comfortable in my sensuality. She recently recommended THIS BOOK and while the …

Joyful Movement…It’s Dumping Snow!

Those words were music to my ears in my early twenties when I was living the ski bum life in Breckenridge, Colorado. I lived for fresh tracks in fluffy powder. Today, as I sit at my desk and glance at the snow dumping on my suburban neighborhood, it still brings me joy. I love the romance, the magic, and the clean fresh look it gives our natural world. But, all that aside,…

A Fresh Start

Welcome to 2019! It’s time to start a blog again. After a few years off, I’m ready to get back in the monthly writing habit and share what I’ve been working on and learning. I hope you find it either informative, entertaining, or maybe even a little of both. This is a place where I will share the thoughts that are bubbling up in me. These thoughts will likely be raw and unfiltered. I’ll share before I’ve distilled them out into a clear and precise message…