The Mastermind
Think Better…
Live Better…

What is a Mastermind?
It’s being in the right room with the right people. You know that person who always seems to be challenging herself (and you in the process), doing bigger and better things?
She has a zest for life, is sharp as a tack, and has an unstoppable energy. When you are around her, you feel inspired and alive, like nothing can stop you and all your wildest dreams will come true.
A mastermind is having her as well as 2-3 others just like her for two hours every two weeks working WITH you on how to live better. The group becomes a team and supports one another while working toward goals and revealing each other’s blind spots. They share resources, life experiences, trust, and wisdom.
Maybe your current focus is a better way to run your business, a better way to run your household, or a better way to be in relationships. Regardless of what you are working on, your mastermind group becomes your A-team.
We all know that the people we spend time with are our biggest influencers, and the people in your mastermind group will be high level and on top of their game. This team is led by a coach with unique experience who facilitates professionally, making the whole thing even more powerful.
The value you get in these two hours every two weeks is bigger than you’ve felt in months of corporate team building events or strategy meetings. Those one sentence nuggets of wisdom that change your life are commonplace here.
The accountability of meeting every two weeks produces results almost immediately. All accomplishment and fulfillment aside, the icing comes when you realize that these people really care about you and have your best interest in their hearts.
Lifelong confidants can be found in a good mastermind group, regardless you will come out the other end being a better version of YOU. If you are motivated to live better and make a difference in this world, you are in the right place.
Open the door to the RIGHT mastermind group, and you open the door to unlimited potential. Think Bigger, Live Better!
Who Runs the Mastermind?
Torey Ivanic! With more than a decade of experience in traditional family practice medicine as well as homeopathic medicine, Torey brings the art of skilled interviewing and caring to her mastermind facilitation.
She learned the power of a mastermind first hand while participating in Jonathan Field’s immersion program and was in a mastermind facilitated by Liz Scully.
Last year, she started her own mastermind group of three longtime friends who are all mothers, wives, and business owners which continues to go strong.
In facilitating this group, she realized that masterminding is so powerful that she wanted to add it to her skill set of ways to help people live better, so she enrolled in Liz Scully’s International Mastermind Certification Course.
Your Investment
- 12 Mastermind Sessions ($6,000 Value)
- 2 One to One Sessions ($400.00 Value)
- Exclusive Facebook Group (Priceless)
- Recordings (Priceless)
The mastermind will be run through ZOOM (like skype) unless all participants are in the Denver area and want to meet live.
Free masterminds don’t produce the same level of results when compared to paid masterminds. No deposit, no return.